Project Title: AI customer support for amazon My Role: Product Designer Timeline: 3 week Objective: Imagining usage of AI in customer services
Brief summary of the project.
<aside> ✏️ I've always been fascinated by the potential of artificial intelligence to revolutionize how businesses operate. When Google and OpenAI unveiled their latest multi-modal AI models, I saw a clear opportunity – to transform customer service, i didn’t know which product should i choose so after some research i that about Amzon’s customer service is terrible.
My research began where many Amazon customers vent their frustrations: Reddit and the Play Store. The Play Store reviews, in particular, were filled with complaints about customer service. Delays, unhelpful responses, and the difficulty of reaching a real person were common threads. This negative feedback clearly impacted Amazon's reputation.
In parallel, I dug into the capabilities of these new AI models. Their ability to understand and generate natural language, process images, and even learn from customer interactions was truly impressive
I also researched Amazon's branding for UI Design
Goal: Making an GenAI based customer support for amazon
Pain points insights driven out of play store reviews
Final solution—